Friday 7 May 2010

There isn't enough time. I must be quick before the synapses fade.

In a round-about way I was in the preliminary stages of commencing an assessment on Terrence Malick. I was looking at the most recent issue of Sight and Sound in the library. Came across an advertisement for a company called lastexittonowhere that creates t shirts using famous macguffins and quotes from films and stylises them into 'fictitious' (irreconcilable) decals - look it up. Anyway I was thinking of checking it out, and began to type the site into google, when the deus ex machina of the search bar's auto-complete function suggested 'lastexit', which turned out to be a marketing firm who were responsible, amongst other things, for the Absolut campaign wherest I believe they gave Spike Jonze free reign to make his robot short film "I'm here".

Now I watched this in early april, and it was a chief factor in my determination to include short films (and marketing exercises) in my thesis. This thesis was was meant to be. Now right; how did I intend to sew this up into a perpetual poetic commentary? I'm not sure, it probably isn't complete. But an implosion has begun, and that in itself is important, as it means an explosion of greater proportions, magnitudes even, is ahead. It's science see, and science deals with facts. which are true.

I remember also finding the firms responsible for the Johnny Walker Robert Carlyle around the world and Adidas house party campaigns also. Just jotting this down for reference. There's something in this. This firm did gigs for real trademarks too, not stylised ones. Facts n that